Dante perfect trot.jpeg

“Never try to press your horse into the desired frame; he needs to find it on his own through forward motion onto the rein.” W. Seunig

Really, the zodiac sign?

This came up in a recent clinic, of course meant as a joke. I'm a Gemini, and I'm not referring to those traits usually associated with the sign such as great communications skills, creativity... or even the evil twin thing.

It's that eternal existence in dichotomy:  Yearning to be completely free, yet be safe and secure. Resenting routine, yet needing it. Wanting to leave and marry the same man at the same time. 

That, I realized, predisposes me perfectly to the impossible art of dressage, in which you always, it seems, need to do two opposing things at the same time, or at the very least in rapid succession: Drive and contain. Where even moving backwards needs to feel forward.  Every half halt is suspending horse and rider in a flirt, chasing that perfect moment between 'not enough' and 'too much'. Sometimes of course this has rendered me in 'neither here nor there' instead...

But that is also where I find my strength as a rider, I trust in my sense for that balance, or the extent to which I have "feeling". It doesn't negate the necessity of perfect bodily alignment and coordination of minute muscle movements while thrust within the motion of the horse, but it inserts an even stronger will to have those hard skills, if you will, match the soft skills. 


Ah, so I was just boasting about how life in the dichotomy of always wanting two opposing things as a Gemini makes you a great dressage rider--when I realized that the "big picture thinking" to which it also pre-disposes you, makes you feel like 11m is "close enough" for your 10m volte. 

Thankfully my coach has a way of pointing out the unacceptability of such ignorance.  How do you know if your horse is aligned correctly if you don't know where you're going? Point taken. 


About fear based decisions

What is dressage anyway?